REST Interface

A Representational State Transfer (REST) Interface follows the principles of being client server, stateless, cacheable and layered (forwardable). The typical set of instructions corresponds to those of HTTP: POST (create), GET (read), PUT (update), DELETE (delete) and the primary mechanism of control is the URL.

The core URL is base_url/package_id where the base_url is the url for the server and interface (e.g. https://wirl.api.sil.org) and the package_id is the id of the package (bundle or resource) of interest.

GET Returns the package. No authentication required.
PUT Not used
POST Not used
DELETE Not used

The server may not necessarily return the package being asked for directly. It may use a redirect to point the calling application to where the package may be found. Thus the REST interface may return the following return codes:

200 OK. The package contents are enclosed with this response.
303 See other. The body of the response is a URL to GET from to get the resource.
304 (not yet implemented)Not Modified. The server tracks the time of when resources change and so can help clients with respect to caching and conditional requests.
404 The package id is wrong or unavailable for this platform.
500 Internal error for unforeseen problems.

The following GET request header fields will be supported by the server (not yet implemented):

If-Modified-Since Only send the package if it has changed since the given date, else return 304.
If-None-Match Only send the package if its checksum has changed, else return 304.
User-Agent Extract architecture and platform information from the User-Agent string to save requiring such information as parameters within the requested URL (API). This information is fallback information and is overridden if specified in the URL.

Further parameters in the URL can be used to refine what is received. Parameters consist of key=value pairs separated by &. The parameters are separated from the rest of the URL using ?.

type Resource type
engine Software that uses the resource; eg., Keyman, MSKLC, Graphite, Ekaya
engineversion Earliest version of the engine that will handle the resource
os Specifies the operating system the information is for.
osversion Version of the operating system the resource is appropriate for
version Used to request a particular version of a resource, rather than the latest
xparam A type-specific extra parameter that is used to further select what resource is returned (see below)
raw This parameter changes how information is returned. The default is 0 and returns the package. A value of 1 asks the server to return a CSV list of all the information it holds on the packageId requested.
test If non-zero returns empty content. Used for testing that the server would produce something of interest if so requested.


For an engine, the version is the earliest version that will handle the resource.

keyman 6 Keyman 6. All keyboards are forwardly compatible
keyman 7 Keyman 7. All keyboards are forwardly compatible
keyman 8 Keyman 8. All keyboards are forwardly compatible
teckit ???
graphite 1.3.5 E.g., Awami needs collision fixing
lo-spell 4.1
mozilla-spell 4.1


We list here all the different architectures that can take an osversion parameter and what the values mean. Notice that a resource appropriate for a given osversion may or may not be appropriate for a later osversion. An os value of win* here includes all the different windows os values: win64, win32.

win* 5 Windows XP
win* 6 Windows Vista
win* 7 Windows 7
win* 8 Windows 8

Resource Classes

For each class/kind of a resource we list the possible resource types that are available and what they return. In addition, architecture types are listed. The default type is listed first.


A font resource references a single font. A different resource id is used for different subfamilies: bold, italic, etc.

type arch returns
ttf (default) all .ttf
woff all .woff
woff2 all .woff2
exe all .exe installer

It is not likely, but theoretically possible, to have an .exe that installs a single font.

Font Collection

A font collection resource references a set of related fonts, such as a family of regular/bold/italic/bold-italic fonts.

type arch datatype returns
zipttf (default) all fontcollection .zip of .ttf files
zipwoff all fontcollection .zip of .woff files
exe win fontcollection .exe installer

Extra Parameter

Font and Font Collection resources may have an extra parameter which selects a particular area subset. If no specified subset is available, the complete font is returned.

xparam meaning
Afr subset for Africa
Viet subset for Vietnamese


For a single layout there are often many different resources available. The datatype returned is "keyboard".

type os returns notes
source all .kmn works for KMFL as well
kmp all .kmp good to pass engineversion of Keyman the .kmx is against
kmx all .kmx
source Windows .klc
mskbd Windows, win32 .dll pass osversion if possible
mskbd Windows, win32 .dll pass osversion if possible
ldmlkb (default)all .xml
mackbd all .keylayout returns source xml for Mac keyboard layouts


A spell checker is a word list using the Hunspell .dic format. There may or may not be an associated .aff file. A simple word list as a .txt file is also permitted.

type engine returns datatype
hunspell hunspell .zip spell-check
wordlist .txt spell-check

If both files exist, the WIRL URL field may indicate a directory that includes both of the files. WIRL will return a ZIP file including the two files.

Currently the only such URLS that are supported for creating a ZIP are for materials in GitHub; e.g., https://github.com//silnrsi/wsresources/tree/master/resources/x/xyz/*.*.